Fixed food poisoning thanks to Triplis updating Scumbumbo's XML Injector & prevented the interaction to show up on empty plates.Sims can now wash off more wounds using the " Wash Blood Off " in the shower!.Both murder types have autonomy options & club activities. Occult Slaying By default, the "Occult Slaying" murders will be available against werewolf sims, however, if you don't have the werewolves gamepack installed or if you'd like to enable it against other types of sims you can enable them from the Extreme Violence -Mod- options category Extreme Violence -> Options -> Enable Occult Slaying For -> Select the sims that you want to enable the Occult Slaying against. How To Enable The New Murders?: Animalistic Murders By default, the "Animalistic Murders" will be available for werewolf sims, however, if you don't have the werewolves gamepack installed or if you'd like to enable it for other types of sims you can enable them from the Extreme Violence -Mod- options category Extreme Violence -> Options -> Enable Animalistic Murders For -> Select the sims that you want to enable the murders for This will also give your sim the "Feast On Corpse" interaction, which will be available on dying sims.Feast On Neck Both of these murders will give your sim a harvested piece of flesh that will be placed in your sims inventory.Important note: These meshes are a bit on the high-poly side at 20K.

Additionally, The Fallen includes color-coordinated crowns for each outfit. This set is in FitChick, Rio, CPU, and VolGal. The Fallen is a mashup of one of the many quality outfits from The Amazing World of Bikini Armors by ninestanaka at the Skyrim Nexus. The Bad Witch series is a spinoff of BATG that intends to provide appropriate attire for all of your evil sorceresses.

Overview: Barbarians at the Gate is a new series of projects dealing with all things barbarian: clothes, weapons, warpaint, and so on.