This is a large benefit because the game has its base feeling of design and attention to detail from the Vanilla Minecraft version. The developers have stated that they utilize a color scheme that is more similar to the default version of Minecraft rather than boosting some of the color palettes. However, there are no packs that operate at such a high quality due to the detailed designs of the textures thanks to this development team.

The ModernArch Realism resource pack is not the first of its kind, in fact, there are many realistic focused resource packs. Now the game is redesigned to appear on a higher scale than some AAA games appear. No longer does Minecraft have the feeling of a cartoon or have the standard block-based design.

The developers have utilized real photos to create textures rather than the standard 8-bit styling of Minecraft. This resource pack goes above and beyond to provide some of the most detailed textures that have ever been introduced in Minecraft. Experience a detailed version of Minecraft like never before with the ModernArch Realism Resource Pack.